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About us

About us


"Stone mill" started its activity in the fall of 2019. It was the production of Georgian × organic corn flour on a stone mill. At first, the company milled corn and produced its flour. However, with growing demand, the business began to expand its offerings to include stone milled semolina flour, whole wheat flour, ground wheat, buckwheat flour, rye flour, and other grains. The company pays great attention to ensuring the high quality of grain through thorough testing of products and suppliers. As the business flourished, the company finally decided to further diversify its business and opened a "Stone Mill" bakery in Gori, which is enjoying great success today. The business is a family business, all members of which are involved in the daily work process of the bakery; Also important is the involvement of an American family member, Dana Raup, who provides the company with management and marketing advice. Nowadays, "Stone Mill" produces several types of natural so-called bread. with yeast; Bread is distributed and sold at three locations in Gori. Making natural bread without any additives is the main goal of the company. Consumers always mention how important it is to know that they are eating natural bread without artificial chemical additives, chemical bleaches, vitamins, etc. without additives.

Mission Vision and Promise
The company's vision and promise is to offer customers healthy, natural so-called Fresh, aromatic, many types of bread made on sourdough yeast. Also, our goal is to replace the ignorance of the consumer with a healthy product so that he becomes a healthy bread consumer. The company is focused on consumer health.

The main goal of "stone mill" is to produce high-quality and healthy products for our citizens. Our slogan is proof of this - "bread for your family"